Carlos Martinez del Río

- Licenciado en Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de México, UNAM, México
- Doctor en Ciencias, University of Florida, Estados Unidos
Ecología funcional, ecofisiología animal, modelamiento ecológico, filosofía aplicada de las ciencias
-Martínez del Rio, C., N. Wolf, S. Carleton, and . Z. Gannes. 2009. Isotopic ecology ten years after a call for more laboratory experiments. Biol. Rev. 84: 91-111
-Martínez del Rio, C., P. Sabat, R. Anderson-Sprecher, and S. P. Gonzales. 2009. Dietary and isotopic specialization: The isotopic niche of three Cinclodes ovenbirds. Oecologia 161: 149-159
-Carlo, T. A., J. Tewksbury, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2009. A new method to track seed dispersal and recruitment using 15N isotope enrichment. Ecology.
-Hartmann Bakken, B. et al. (2008) A nectar-feeding mammal avoids body fluid disturbance by varying renal function. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 295: F-1855-F-1863 (pdf) -Martínez del Rio, C., and R. Anderson-Sprecher. 2008. Beyond the reaction progress variable: The meaning and significance of isotopic incorporation data. Oecologia 156: 765-772
-Perez, G. E., J. E. Schondube, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2008. Isótopos estables en ornitología: una introducción breve. Revista de Ornitología Neotropical 19: 95-112
Rodriguez-Peña, N, K. E. Stoner, J. E. Schondube, J. Ayala, C. M. Florez-Ortiz, and Carlos Martínez del Rio. 2008. Effects of sugar composition and concentration on food selection by Saussure’s long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae) and the long-tongued bat (Glossophaga soricina). Journal of mammalogy 88: 1466-1474
-Ayala, J., J. E. Schondube, N.K. Rodriguez-Peña, K. E. Stoner, and C. Martínez del Rio. The intake responses of three species of leaf-nosed Neotropical bats. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 178: 477-485.
-Martínez del Rio, C. 2008. Metabolic theory or metabolic models. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23: 256-260
-Tsahar, E., N. Wolf, I. Ishaki, Z. Arad, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2007. Diet influences the rate of 15N incorporation in blood cels and plasma of yellow-vented bulbuls (Pycnonotus xanthopygos). Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 459-465
-Reich, K. J. , K. A. Bjorndal, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2007. Effects of growth and tissue type on the kinetics of 13C and 15N incorporation in a rapidly growing ectotherm. Oecologia 155: 651-663
-Tibbets, T., L. A. Wheeless, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2007. Isotopic enrichment without change in diet: an ontogenetic shift in ?15N during insect metamorphosis. Functional Ecology 22: 103-109
-Martínez del Rio, C. 2007. Comparing modes of inquiry. Nature 450: 171
-Martínez del Rio, C., P. A. Stephens, and S. W. Buskirk. 2007. Null-significance significance tests- education and inference. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22: 446
-Newsome, S., C. Martínez del Rio, D. L. Phillips, and S. Bearhop. 2007. A niche for isotopic ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5: 429-436.
-Stephens, P.A., Buskirk, S.W. & Martínez del Rio, C. (2007) Inference in ecology and evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22: 192-197.
-Stephens, P. A., S. W. Buskirk, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2007. A call for statistical pluralism answered. J. Appl. Ecol. 44: 461-463.
-Welch, K. C., B. Hartmann Bakken, C. Martínez del Rio, and R. K. Suarez. 2006. Hummingbird fuel hovering flight with newly-ingested sugar. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79: 1082-1087
-Sabat, P., K. Maldonado, M. Canals, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2006. Osmoregulation and adaptive radiation in the ovenbird genus Cinclodes (Passeriformes: Furnariidae). Functional Ecology 20: 799-805
-Carleton, S., B. H. Bakken, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2006. Do hummingbirds fuel energy metabolism with reserves or income? Journal of Experimental Biology 209: 2622-2627begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2622-2627 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
-Tsahar, E., Z. Arad., I. Izhaki, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2006. Do nectar- and fruit-eating birds have lower nitrogen requirements? An allometric test. The Auk 123: 1004-1012
-Sabat, P., K. Maldonado, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2006. Osmoregulatory capacity and the ability to use marine food sources in two coastal songbirds (Cinclodes: Furnariidae) along a latitudinal gradient. Oecologia 148: 250-257
-McWhorter, T., B. H. Bakken, W. H. Karasov, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2006. Hummingbirds rely on passive intestinal glucose absorption to fuel high metabolism. Biology Letters 2: 131-134
-Martínez del Rio, C. 2006. Plant-pollinator interactions: from specialization to generalization. Condor 108: 986-993
-Tsahar, E., C. Martínez del Rio, I. Izhaki, and Z. Arad. 2005. Can birds be ammonotelic? Nitrogen balance and excretion in two frugivores Journal of Experimental Biology 208: 1025-1034
-Carleton, S. A. , C. Martínez del Rio. 2005. The effect of cold-induced increased metabolic rate on the rate of 13C and 15N incorporation in house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Oecologia 144: 226-23
-Tsahar, E., C. Martínez del Rio, Z. Arad, J. Joy, and I. Izhaki. 2005. Are the low protein requirements of nectarivorous birds the consequence of their sugary and watery diet? – a test with an omnivore. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78: 239-245
-Gillooly, J. F., A. P. Allen, J. H. Brown, J. J. Elser, C. Martínez del Rio, V. M. Savage, G. B. West, W. H. Woodruff, and H. A. Woods. 2005. The metabolic basis of whole-organism RNA and phosphorus content. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102: 11923-11927
-Martínez del Rio, C. and B. Wolf. 2005. Mass-balance models for animal isotopic ecology. Pp. 141-174 in Starck,, J. M. and T. Wang. Physiological and ecological adaptations to feeding in vertebrates. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH
-Stephens, P., S. Buskirk, G. Hayward, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2005. Information theory and hypothesis testing: a call for pluralism. J. Applied Ecology 42: 4-12
-Simpkins, D. G., W. A. Hubert, C. Martinez del Rio, and D. C. Rule. 2004. Factors affecting swimming performance of fasted rainbow trout with implications of exhaustive exercise on overwinter mortality. J. Freshwater Ecol. 19: 657-666
-Simpkins, D. G., W. A. Hubert, C. Martinez del Rio, and D. C. Rule. 2004. Constraints of body size and swimming velocity on the ability of juvenile rainbow trout to endure periods without food. J. Fish. Biol. 65: 530-544
-Hartman Bakken, B., McWhorter, T.J., Tsahar, E. and Martínez del Rio, C. 2004. Hummingbirds arrest their kidneys at night: diel variation in glomerular filtration rate in Selasphorus platycercus. J. Exp. Biol. 207 : 4383-4391begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 4383-4391 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
-Carleton, S., B. O. Wolf, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2004. Keeling plots for hummingbirds: measuring ?13C in the exhaled CO2 of small animals. Oecologia 144: 141: 1-6
-McWhorter, T., C. Martínez del Rio, B. Pinshow, and L. Roxburgh. 2004. Renal function in Palestine sunbirds. Elimination of excess water does not constrain energy intake. J. Exp. Biol 207: 3391-3398begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 3391-3398 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
-McKechnie, A. E., B. O. Wolf, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2004. Deuterium stable isotopes ratios as tracers of water resource use: an experiment with rock doves. Oecologia 140: 191-200
-Schondube, J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2004. Sugar and protein digestion in flowerpiercers and hummingbirds: a comparative test of adaptive convergence. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 174: 263-273
-Lotz, C. , C, Martínez del Rio, and S. W. Nicolson. 2004. The ability of rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) to dilute and concentrate excreta. Journal of Avian Biology 35: 54-62
-Martínez del Rio, C. 2003. Ecological stoichiometry’s proclamation (book review). Ecology 84: 2226-2227
-Wolf, B. O. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2003. How important are CAM succulents as sources of water and nutrients for desert consumers? A review. Isotopes in Environment and Health Science 39: 53-67
-Schondube, J. E. and C. Martínez del Rio.2003. Concentration-dependent sugar preferences in nectar-feeding birds: mechanisms and consequences. Functional Ecology 17: 445-453
-Lotz, C. and C, Martínez del Rio. 2003. Hummingbirds pay a high cost for a warm drink. J. Comp. Phys. B 173: 455-462.
-McWhorter, T., D. Powers, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2003. Are hummingbirds facultatively ammonotelic? Nitrogen excretion and requirements as a function of body size. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76: 731-743
-Simpkins, D. G., W. A. Hubert, C. Martinez del Rio, and D.C. Rule. 2003. Interacting effects of water temperature and swimming activity on body composition and mortality of fasted juvenile rainbow trout. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:1641-1649
-Simpkins, D., W. A. Hubert, C. Martínez del Rio, and D. C. Rule. 2003. Physiological responses of juvenile trout to fasting and swimming activity: effects on body composition and condition indices. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132: 587-591
-Simpkins, D.G., W.A. Hubert, C. Martínez del Rio, and D.C. Rule. 2003. Effects of swimming activity on relative weight and body composition of juvenile rainbow trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:283-289
-Pearson, S. F., D. J. Levey, C. H. Greenberg, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2003. Effects of elemental composition on the incorporation of dietary nitrogen and carbon and isotopic signatures in an omnivorous songbird. Oecologia 135:516-523
-McWhorter, T., C. Martínez del Rio, and B. Pinshow. 2003 Adaptive regulation of water absorption by Palestine sunbirds: Adaptive regulation or a function of sugar absorption? Journal of Experimental Biology 206: 659-666
-Soulé, M. E., Estes, J. Berger, J. and C. Martinez del Rio. 2003 Ecologically effective numbers of endangered keystone species: theory and practice. Conservation Biology 17: 1204-1209
-Sabat, P. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2002. Inter- and intraspecific variation in the use of marine food resources by three Cinclodes (Furnariidae, Aves) species: Carbon isotopes and osmoregulatory physiology Zoology 105: 247-256
-Wolf, B. O., J. Babson, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2002. Saguaros, doves, and isotopes: differential water and carbon acquisition by animals feeding on a single resource. Ecology 83(3): 1286-1293
-Schondube, J. E. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2002 A bill with a hook: experimental evidence of a tradeoff in the morphology of flowerpiercers. Proceedings of The Royal Society of London B. 1511: 195-198
-Aukema, J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2002 Where do fruit-eating birds deposit mistletoe seeds? Seed deposition patterns and an experiment. Ecology 83: 3489-3496begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 3489-3496 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
-Aukema, J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2002. Inter- and intraspecific variation in mistletoe seed deposition. Ecogeography 25(2): 139-144
-Levey, D. J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2001. It takes guts (and more.) to eat fruit: Lessons from avian nutritional ecology. The Auk 118: 819-830
Witmer, M. C. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2001. The intestinal enzymes of cedar waxwings and thrushes. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 74: 584-593
-Martínez del Rio, C., J. E. Schondube, and T. McWhorter. 2001. Intake responses in nectar-feeding birds: digestive and metabolic causes, osmoregulatory consequences, and coevolutionary effects. American Zoologist 41: 902-915
-Schondube, J., C. Martínez del Rio, and L.G. Herrera. 2001. Diet and the evolution of digestion and renal function in phyllostomid bats. Zoology 104: 59-74
-Herrera, L. G., C. Martínez del Rio, E. Braun and K. Hobson. 2001. Renal structure in phyllostomid bats: using stable isotopes to explore relationships between diet and morphology. Isotopes in Environment and Health Science 37: 1-11.
-Wolf, B. O. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2000. Use of saguaro fruit by White-winged doves: isotopic evidence of a tight ecological association. Oecologia 124: 536-543
-McWhorter, T. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2000. Does gut function limit hummingbird food intake? Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 73: 313-324
-O’Brien, D., D. Schrag, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2000. Allocation of nectar nutrients to reproduction in Amphion floridensis: a novel quantitative method using stable isotopes. Ecology 81: 2822-2831begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2822-2831 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
-Caviedes-Vidal, E., D. Afik, C. Martínez del Rio, and W. H. Karasov. 2000. Dietary modulation of intestinal enzymes of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus): testing and adaptive hypothesis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 125A: 11-24
-Martínez del Rio, C. and B. Broyles. 2000. The Sonoran Desert National Park: a modest proposal of extraordinary scope. Wild Earth 10 (2): 53-56
-Lisk, R., O. Moctezuma and C. Martínez del Rio. 2000. Cooperative conservation: ongoing Wildland Projects efforts in the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico. Wild Earth 10 (1): 51-54
-Levey, D. J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1999. Tests, rejection, and reformulation of a guts as reactors optimal digestion model in a frugivorous bird. Physiological Zoology 72: 369-383
-Novinger, D. C. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1999. Failure of total body electric conductivity to predict lipid content of brook trout. North Am. J. of Fish. Manage. 19: 942-947
-Levey, D. J., A. R. Place, P. J. Rey, and C. Martínez del Rio. 1999. An experimental test of dietary enzyme modulation in pine warblers (Dendroica pinus). Physiological Zoology 72: 576-587
-Jumars, P. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1999 The tau of continuous feeding on simple foods. Physiological Zoology 72: 633-641
-McWhorter, T.J. and Martínez del Rio, C. 1999. Food ingestion and water turnover in hummingbirds: How much dietary water is absorbed? The Journal of Experimental Biology 202: 2851-2858begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2851-2858 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
-Streumpf, H. M., and C. Martínez del Rio. 1999. Amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside in ripe fruit does not deter consumption by cedar waxwings. The Auk 116: 749-758
-Herrera, G. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1998. Pollen digestion by New World bats. Effects of processing time and feeding habits. Ecology 79: 2828-2838begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2828-2838 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
-Sabat, P., F. Novoa, F. Bozinovic, and C. Martínez del Rio. 1998. Dietary plasticity and intestinal lability in birds: a field and laboratory study. Physiological Zoology 71: 226-236
-Gannes, L. Z., C. Martínez del Rio, and P. Koch. 1998. Natural abundance variation in stable isotopes and their uses in animal physiological ecology. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 119A:725-737
Martínez del Rio, C., M. Avery, abd K. L. Brugger. 1997. Sucrose as a feeding deterrent for fruit-eating birds. Pages 353–370 in J. R Mason (ed.) Repellents in Wildlife Management: Proceedings of a Symposium, National Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, Colorado.
-Wagner, D. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1997. Experimental tests of the mechanism for ant-enhanced growth in an ant-tended lycaenid butterfly. 112: 424-429
-López-Calleja, M. V., F. Bozinovic, and C. Martínez del Rio. 1997. Effects of sugar concentration on hummingbird feeding and energy use. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 119A: 1-9
-Martínez del Rio, C. 1997. Avian energetics and nutritional ecology (book review). The Condor 99: 101-1012
-Martínez del Rio, C. 1997. Can Passerine Birds Synthesize Vitamin C? The Auk 114: 513-515
-Gannes, L. Z., D. O’Brien, and C. Martínez del Rio. 1997. Stable isotopes in animal ecology: assumptions, caveats, and a call for laboratory experiments. Ecology 78:1271-1276
-Martínez del Rio, C. 1997. The forgotten pollinators: a review. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 70: 120-121
pre 1997
-Martínez del Rio, C. and S. Cork. 1996. Exploring nutritional biodiversity: A society is born. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12: 9-10
-Martínez del Rio, C., A. Silva, R. Medel, and M. Hourdequin. 1996. Seed dispersers as disease vectors: bird transmission of mistletoe seeds to host plants. Ecology 77: 912-921
-Silva, A. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1996. Effects of mistletoe parasitism the reproduction of cacti hosts. Oikos 75: 437-442
-Bozinovic, F. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1996. Animals eat what they should not: why do they reject our foraging models? Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 69: 15-20
-Stern, D. L., S. Moon, and C. Martínez del Rio. 1996. Allometry of caste production in the soldier producing aphid Pseudoregma alexandrii. Insect Sociaux 43: 137-147
-Martínez del Rio, C., K. Brugger, M. Witmer, J. Rios, and E. Vergara. 1995. An experimental and comparative study of dietary modulation of intestinal enzymes in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Physiological Zoology 68: 490-511
-Afik, D., E. Caviedes, C. Martínez del Rio and W. H. Karasov. 1995. Dietary modulation of intestinal hydrolytic enzymes in yellow-rumped warblers. American Journal of Physiology 269: R413-R420
-Martínez del Rio, C., M. E. Hourdequin, A. Silva, and R. Medel. 1995. Seed deposition and prevalence of the mistletoe Tristerix (Loranthaceae) on cacti: the effect of cactus size and perch selection of seed dispersers. Aust. J. Ecol. 20: 41-46
-Malcarney, H., C. Martínez del Rio and V. Apanius. 1994. Sucrose intolerance in birds: simple non-lethal diagnostic methods and consequences for the assimilation of complex carbohydrates. The Auk 111: 170-177
-Biviano, A. B., C. Martínez del Rio, and D. L. Phillips. 1993. Ontogeny of sucrase and maltase in chickens fed contrasting purified diets. Journal of Comparative Physiology 163: 508-510
-Martínez del Rio C. and C. Restrepo. 1993. Ecological and behavioral consequences of digestion in frugivorous animals. Vegetatio 107/108:205-216
-Martínez del Rio, C. 1993. Do British tits drink milk or just skim the cream? British Birds 86: 321-322
-Hernandez, A., and C. Martínez del Rio. 1992. Intestinal disaccharidases of five species of phyllostomoid bats with contrasting feeding habits. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 103B: 105-111
-Martínez del Rio, C., H. G. Baker and I. Baker . 1992. Ecological and evolutionary implications of digestive processes: bird preferences and the sugar constituents of floral nectar and fruit pulp. Experientia 48 544-550
-Martínez del Rio C. and S. H. Bullock. 1991. Parasitismo floral por abejas sociales (Trigona spp) en el arbol quiropterófilo Crescentia alata (Bignoniaceae). Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica Mexicana 50: 69-76
Arita, H. T. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1990. Interacciones flor-murciélago: un enfoque zoocéntrico. Publicaciones Especiales 4, Instituto de Biología, UNAM, México
-Gryj, E., C. Martínez del Rio and I. Baker. 1990. Avian pollination and nectar use in Combretum fruticosum Biotropica 22: 266-271
-Martínez del Rio, C. 1990. Sugar preferences in hummingbirds: the influence of subtle chemical differences on food choice. The Condor 92: 1022-1030
-Martínez del Rio, C. 1990. Dietary and phylogenetic correlates of intestinal sucrase and maltase activity in birds. Physiological Zoology 63: 987- 1011
-Martínez del Rio, C. and W. H. Karasov. 1990. Digestion strategies in fruit and nectar eating birds and the sugar composition of plant rewards. The American Naturalist 136: 618-637
-Martínez del Rio, C. W. H. Karasov and D. J. Levey. 1989. Physiological basis and ecological correlates of sugar preferences in a North American frugivore, the Cedar Waxwing. The Auk 106: 64-71
-Bullock, S. H., C. Martínez del Rio and R. Ayala. 1989. Bee visitation to trees of Prockia crucis differing in flower number. Oecologia 78: 389-393
-Martínez del Rio, C. and B. R., Stevens. 1989. Physiological on feeding behavior: the intestinal brush border membrane disaccharidases of the European Starling. Science 243: 794-796
-Martínez del Rio, C., B. R. Stevens, D. E. Daneke and P. T. Andreadis. 1988. Physiological correlates of preference and aversion for sugars in three species of birds. Physiological Zoology 61: 222-229
Martínez del Rio, C. and B. R. Stevens. 1988. Disaccharidases of Alligator (Alligator mississipiensis). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 91B: 751-754
Eguiarte, L. E., C. Martínez del Rio and H. Arita. 1987. El polen y néctar como recursos: el papel ecológico de los visitantes a las flores de Pseudobombax ellipticum H.B.K. Biotropica 19: 74-82
-Martínez del Rio, C. and L. E. Eguiarte. 1987. Bird visitation to Agave salmiana: comparison among hummingbirds and perching birds.Condor 89: 357-363
-Martinez del Rio, C. and A. Búrquez. 1986. Nectar production and temperature dependent pollination in Mirabilis jalapa L. Biotropica 18: 28-31
-Soberón, J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1981. The dynamics of a plant-pollinator interaction. Journal of Theoretical Biology 91: 363-378
Libros y capítulos de Libros:
-Karasov, W. H. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2007. Physiological ecology: How animals process energy, nutrients, and toxins. Book for Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. 724 p.
-Martínez del Rio, C. and B. Wolf. 2005. Mass-balance models for animal isotopic ecology. Pp. 141-174 in Starck,, J. M. and T. Wang. Physiological and ecological adaptations to feeding in vertebrates. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH.
-Martínez del Rio, C., B. O. Wolf, and R. Haughey. 2003. Saguaros and white-winged doves: the natural history of an uneasy partnership. In Nabhan, G. (ed.). Conserving Migratory Pollinators and Nectar Corridors in Western North America. Univ. of California Press.
-Arita, H. T. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1990. Interacciones flor-murciélago: un enfoque zoocéntrico. Publicaciones Especiales 4, Instituto de Biología, UNAM, México.
-Soberón J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1985. Cheating and taking advantage in mutualistic systems. In Boucher, D. (Ed.). The biology of mutualism. Croom-Helm, London.
-Martínez del Rio, C., N. Wolf, S. Carleton, and . Z. Gannes. 2009. Isotopic ecology ten years after a call for more laboratory experiments. Biol. Rev. 84: 91-111
-Martínez del Rio, C., P. Sabat, R. Anderson-Sprecher, and S. P. Gonzales. 2009. Dietary and isotopic specialization: The isotopic niche of three Cinclodes ovenbirds. Oecologia 161: 149-159
-Carlo, T. A., J. Tewksbury, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2009. A new method to track seed dispersal and recruitment using 15N isotope enrichment. Ecology.
-Hartmann Bakken, B. et al. (2008) A nectar-feeding mammal avoids body fluid disturbance by varying renal function. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 295: F-1855-F-1863 (pdf) -Martínez del Rio, C., and R. Anderson-Sprecher. 2008. Beyond the reaction progress variable: The meaning and significance of isotopic incorporation data. Oecologia 156: 765-772
-Perez, G. E., J. E. Schondube, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2008. Isótopos estables en ornitología: una introducción breve. Revista de Ornitología Neotropical 19: 95-112
Rodriguez-Peña, N, K. E. Stoner, J. E. Schondube, J. Ayala, C. M. Florez-Ortiz, and Carlos Martínez del Rio. 2008. Effects of sugar composition and concentration on food selection by Saussure’s long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae) and the long-tongued bat (Glossophaga soricina). Journal of mammalogy 88: 1466-1474
-Ayala, J., J. E. Schondube, N.K. Rodriguez-Peña, K. E. Stoner, and C. Martínez del Rio. The intake responses of three species of leaf-nosed Neotropical bats. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 178: 477-485.
-Martínez del Rio, C. 2008. Metabolic theory or metabolic models. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23: 256-260
-Tsahar, E., N. Wolf, I. Ishaki, Z. Arad, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2007. Diet influences the rate of 15N incorporation in blood cels and plasma of yellow-vented bulbuls (Pycnonotus xanthopygos). Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 459-465
-Reich, K. J. , K. A. Bjorndal, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2007. Effects of growth and tissue type on the kinetics of 13C and 15N incorporation in a rapidly growing ectotherm. Oecologia 155: 651-663
-Tibbets, T., L. A. Wheeless, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2007. Isotopic enrichment without change in diet: an ontogenetic shift in ?15N during insect metamorphosis. Functional Ecology 22: 103-109
-Martínez del Rio, C. 2007. Comparing modes of inquiry. Nature 450: 171
-Martínez del Rio, C., P. A. Stephens, and S. W. Buskirk. 2007. Null-significance significance tests- education and inference. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22: 446
-Newsome, S., C. Martínez del Rio, D. L. Phillips, and S. Bearhop. 2007. A niche for isotopic ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5: 429-436.
-Stephens, P.A., Buskirk, S.W. & Martínez del Rio, C. (2007) Inference in ecology and evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22: 192-197.
-Stephens, P. A., S. W. Buskirk, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2007. A call for statistical pluralism answered. J. Appl. Ecol. 44: 461-463.
-Welch, K. C., B. Hartmann Bakken, C. Martínez del Rio, and R. K. Suarez. 2006. Hummingbird fuel hovering flight with newly-ingested sugar. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79: 1082-1087
-Sabat, P., K. Maldonado, M. Canals, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2006. Osmoregulation and adaptive radiation in the ovenbird genus Cinclodes (Passeriformes: Furnariidae). Functional Ecology 20: 799-805
-Carleton, S., B. H. Bakken, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2006. Do hummingbirds fuel energy metabolism with reserves or income? Journal of Experimental Biology 209: 2622-2627begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2622-2627 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
-Tsahar, E., Z. Arad., I. Izhaki, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2006. Do nectar- and fruit-eating birds have lower nitrogen requirements? An allometric test. The Auk 123: 1004-1012
-Sabat, P., K. Maldonado, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2006. Osmoregulatory capacity and the ability to use marine food sources in two coastal songbirds (Cinclodes: Furnariidae) along a latitudinal gradient. Oecologia 148: 250-257
-McWhorter, T., B. H. Bakken, W. H. Karasov, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2006. Hummingbirds rely on passive intestinal glucose absorption to fuel high metabolism. Biology Letters 2: 131-134
-Martínez del Rio, C. 2006. Plant-pollinator interactions: from specialization to generalization. Condor 108: 986-993
-Tsahar, E., C. Martínez del Rio, I. Izhaki, and Z. Arad. 2005. Can birds be ammonotelic? Nitrogen balance and excretion in two frugivores Journal of Experimental Biology 208: 1025-1034
-Carleton, S. A. , C. Martínez del Rio. 2005. The effect of cold-induced increased metabolic rate on the rate of 13C and 15N incorporation in house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Oecologia 144: 226-23
-Tsahar, E., C. Martínez del Rio, Z. Arad, J. Joy, and I. Izhaki. 2005. Are the low protein requirements of nectarivorous birds the consequence of their sugary and watery diet? – a test with an omnivore. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78: 239-245
-Gillooly, J. F., A. P. Allen, J. H. Brown, J. J. Elser, C. Martínez del Rio, V. M. Savage, G. B. West, W. H. Woodruff, and H. A. Woods. 2005. The metabolic basis of whole-organism RNA and phosphorus content. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102: 11923-11927
-Martínez del Rio, C. and B. Wolf. 2005. Mass-balance models for animal isotopic ecology. Pp. 141-174 in Starck,, J. M. and T. Wang. Physiological and ecological adaptations to feeding in vertebrates. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH
-Stephens, P., S. Buskirk, G. Hayward, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2005. Information theory and hypothesis testing: a call for pluralism. J. Applied Ecology 42: 4-12
-Simpkins, D. G., W. A. Hubert, C. Martinez del Rio, and D. C. Rule. 2004. Factors affecting swimming performance of fasted rainbow trout with implications of exhaustive exercise on overwinter mortality. J. Freshwater Ecol. 19: 657-666
-Simpkins, D. G., W. A. Hubert, C. Martinez del Rio, and D. C. Rule. 2004. Constraints of body size and swimming velocity on the ability of juvenile rainbow trout to endure periods without food. J. Fish. Biol. 65: 530-544
-Hartman Bakken, B., McWhorter, T.J., Tsahar, E. and Martínez del Rio, C. 2004. Hummingbirds arrest their kidneys at night: diel variation in glomerular filtration rate in Selasphorus platycercus. J. Exp. Biol. 207 : 4383-4391begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 4383-4391 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
-Carleton, S., B. O. Wolf, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2004. Keeling plots for hummingbirds: measuring ?13C in the exhaled CO2 of small animals. Oecologia 144: 141: 1-6
-McWhorter, T., C. Martínez del Rio, B. Pinshow, and L. Roxburgh. 2004. Renal function in Palestine sunbirds. Elimination of excess water does not constrain energy intake. J. Exp. Biol 207: 3391-3398begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 3391-3398 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
-McKechnie, A. E., B. O. Wolf, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2004. Deuterium stable isotopes ratios as tracers of water resource use: an experiment with rock doves. Oecologia 140: 191-200
-Schondube, J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2004. Sugar and protein digestion in flowerpiercers and hummingbirds: a comparative test of adaptive convergence. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 174: 263-273
-Lotz, C. , C, Martínez del Rio, and S. W. Nicolson. 2004. The ability of rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) to dilute and concentrate excreta. Journal of Avian Biology 35: 54-62
-Martínez del Rio, C. 2003. Ecological stoichiometry’s proclamation (book review). Ecology 84: 2226-2227
-Wolf, B. O. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2003. How important are CAM succulents as sources of water and nutrients for desert consumers? A review. Isotopes in Environment and Health Science 39: 53-67
-Schondube, J. E. and C. Martínez del Rio.2003. Concentration-dependent sugar preferences in nectar-feeding birds: mechanisms and consequences. Functional Ecology 17: 445-453
-Lotz, C. and C, Martínez del Rio. 2003. Hummingbirds pay a high cost for a warm drink. J. Comp. Phys. B 173: 455-462.
-McWhorter, T., D. Powers, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2003. Are hummingbirds facultatively ammonotelic? Nitrogen excretion and requirements as a function of body size. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76: 731-743
-Simpkins, D. G., W. A. Hubert, C. Martinez del Rio, and D.C. Rule. 2003. Interacting effects of water temperature and swimming activity on body composition and mortality of fasted juvenile rainbow trout. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:1641-1649
-Simpkins, D., W. A. Hubert, C. Martínez del Rio, and D. C. Rule. 2003. Physiological responses of juvenile trout to fasting and swimming activity: effects on body composition and condition indices. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132: 587-591
-Simpkins, D.G., W.A. Hubert, C. Martínez del Rio, and D.C. Rule. 2003. Effects of swimming activity on relative weight and body composition of juvenile rainbow trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:283-289
-Pearson, S. F., D. J. Levey, C. H. Greenberg, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2003. Effects of elemental composition on the incorporation of dietary nitrogen and carbon and isotopic signatures in an omnivorous songbird. Oecologia 135:516-523
-McWhorter, T., C. Martínez del Rio, and B. Pinshow. 2003 Adaptive regulation of water absorption by Palestine sunbirds: Adaptive regulation or a function of sugar absorption? Journal of Experimental Biology 206: 659-666
-Soulé, M. E., Estes, J. Berger, J. and C. Martinez del Rio. 2003 Ecologically effective numbers of endangered keystone species: theory and practice. Conservation Biology 17: 1204-1209
-Sabat, P. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2002. Inter- and intraspecific variation in the use of marine food resources by three Cinclodes (Furnariidae, Aves) species: Carbon isotopes and osmoregulatory physiology Zoology 105: 247-256
-Wolf, B. O., J. Babson, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2002. Saguaros, doves, and isotopes: differential water and carbon acquisition by animals feeding on a single resource. Ecology 83(3): 1286-1293
-Schondube, J. E. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2002 A bill with a hook: experimental evidence of a tradeoff in the morphology of flowerpiercers. Proceedings of The Royal Society of London B. 1511: 195-198
-Aukema, J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2002 Where do fruit-eating birds deposit mistletoe seeds? Seed deposition patterns and an experiment. Ecology 83: 3489-3496begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 3489-3496 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
-Aukema, J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2002. Inter- and intraspecific variation in mistletoe seed deposition. Ecogeography 25(2): 139-144
-Levey, D. J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2001. It takes guts (and more.) to eat fruit: Lessons from avian nutritional ecology. The Auk 118: 819-830
Witmer, M. C. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2001. The intestinal enzymes of cedar waxwings and thrushes. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 74: 584-593
-Martínez del Rio, C., J. E. Schondube, and T. McWhorter. 2001. Intake responses in nectar-feeding birds: digestive and metabolic causes, osmoregulatory consequences, and coevolutionary effects. American Zoologist 41: 902-915
-Schondube, J., C. Martínez del Rio, and L.G. Herrera. 2001. Diet and the evolution of digestion and renal function in phyllostomid bats. Zoology 104: 59-74
-Herrera, L. G., C. Martínez del Rio, E. Braun and K. Hobson. 2001. Renal structure in phyllostomid bats: using stable isotopes to explore relationships between diet and morphology. Isotopes in Environment and Health Science 37: 1-11.
-Wolf, B. O. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2000. Use of saguaro fruit by White-winged doves: isotopic evidence of a tight ecological association. Oecologia 124: 536-543
-McWhorter, T. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2000. Does gut function limit hummingbird food intake? Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 73: 313-324
-O’Brien, D., D. Schrag, and C. Martínez del Rio. 2000. Allocation of nectar nutrients to reproduction in Amphion floridensis: a novel quantitative method using stable isotopes. Ecology 81: 2822-2831begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2822-2831 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
-Caviedes-Vidal, E., D. Afik, C. Martínez del Rio, and W. H. Karasov. 2000. Dietary modulation of intestinal enzymes of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus): testing and adaptive hypothesis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 125A: 11-24
-Martínez del Rio, C. and B. Broyles. 2000. The Sonoran Desert National Park: a modest proposal of extraordinary scope. Wild Earth 10 (2): 53-56
-Lisk, R., O. Moctezuma and C. Martínez del Rio. 2000. Cooperative conservation: ongoing Wildland Projects efforts in the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico. Wild Earth 10 (1): 51-54
-Levey, D. J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1999. Tests, rejection, and reformulation of a guts as reactors optimal digestion model in a frugivorous bird. Physiological Zoology 72: 369-383
-Novinger, D. C. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1999. Failure of total body electric conductivity to predict lipid content of brook trout. North Am. J. of Fish. Manage. 19: 942-947
-Levey, D. J., A. R. Place, P. J. Rey, and C. Martínez del Rio. 1999. An experimental test of dietary enzyme modulation in pine warblers (Dendroica pinus). Physiological Zoology 72: 576-587
-Jumars, P. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1999 The tau of continuous feeding on simple foods. Physiological Zoology 72: 633-641
-McWhorter, T.J. and Martínez del Rio, C. 1999. Food ingestion and water turnover in hummingbirds: How much dietary water is absorbed? The Journal of Experimental Biology 202: 2851-2858begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2851-2858 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
-Streumpf, H. M., and C. Martínez del Rio. 1999. Amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside in ripe fruit does not deter consumption by cedar waxwings. The Auk 116: 749-758
-Herrera, G. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1998. Pollen digestion by New World bats. Effects of processing time and feeding habits. Ecology 79: 2828-2838begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2828-2838 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
-Sabat, P., F. Novoa, F. Bozinovic, and C. Martínez del Rio. 1998. Dietary plasticity and intestinal lability in birds: a field and laboratory study. Physiological Zoology 71: 226-236
-Gannes, L. Z., C. Martínez del Rio, and P. Koch. 1998. Natural abundance variation in stable isotopes and their uses in animal physiological ecology. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 119A:725-737
Martínez del Rio, C., M. Avery, abd K. L. Brugger. 1997. Sucrose as a feeding deterrent for fruit-eating birds. Pages 353–370 in J. R Mason (ed.) Repellents in Wildlife Management: Proceedings of a Symposium, National Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, Colorado.
-Wagner, D. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1997. Experimental tests of the mechanism for ant-enhanced growth in an ant-tended lycaenid butterfly. 112: 424-429
-López-Calleja, M. V., F. Bozinovic, and C. Martínez del Rio. 1997. Effects of sugar concentration on hummingbird feeding and energy use. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 119A: 1-9
-Martínez del Rio, C. 1997. Avian energetics and nutritional ecology (book review). The Condor 99: 101-1012
-Martínez del Rio, C. 1997. Can Passerine Birds Synthesize Vitamin C? The Auk 114: 513-515
-Gannes, L. Z., D. O’Brien, and C. Martínez del Rio. 1997. Stable isotopes in animal ecology: assumptions, caveats, and a call for laboratory experiments. Ecology 78:1271-1276
-Martínez del Rio, C. 1997. The forgotten pollinators: a review. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 70: 120-121
pre 1997
-Martínez del Rio, C. and S. Cork. 1996. Exploring nutritional biodiversity: A society is born. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12: 9-10
-Martínez del Rio, C., A. Silva, R. Medel, and M. Hourdequin. 1996. Seed dispersers as disease vectors: bird transmission of mistletoe seeds to host plants. Ecology 77: 912-921
-Silva, A. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1996. Effects of mistletoe parasitism the reproduction of cacti hosts. Oikos 75: 437-442
-Bozinovic, F. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1996. Animals eat what they should not: why do they reject our foraging models? Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 69: 15-20
-Stern, D. L., S. Moon, and C. Martínez del Rio. 1996. Allometry of caste production in the soldier producing aphid Pseudoregma alexandrii. Insect Sociaux 43: 137-147
-Martínez del Rio, C., K. Brugger, M. Witmer, J. Rios, and E. Vergara. 1995. An experimental and comparative study of dietary modulation of intestinal enzymes in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Physiological Zoology 68: 490-511
-Afik, D., E. Caviedes, C. Martínez del Rio and W. H. Karasov. 1995. Dietary modulation of intestinal hydrolytic enzymes in yellow-rumped warblers. American Journal of Physiology 269: R413-R420
-Martínez del Rio, C., M. E. Hourdequin, A. Silva, and R. Medel. 1995. Seed deposition and prevalence of the mistletoe Tristerix (Loranthaceae) on cacti: the effect of cactus size and perch selection of seed dispersers. Aust. J. Ecol. 20: 41-46
-Malcarney, H., C. Martínez del Rio and V. Apanius. 1994. Sucrose intolerance in birds: simple non-lethal diagnostic methods and consequences for the assimilation of complex carbohydrates. The Auk 111: 170-177
-Biviano, A. B., C. Martínez del Rio, and D. L. Phillips. 1993. Ontogeny of sucrase and maltase in chickens fed contrasting purified diets. Journal of Comparative Physiology 163: 508-510
-Martínez del Rio C. and C. Restrepo. 1993. Ecological and behavioral consequences of digestion in frugivorous animals. Vegetatio 107/108:205-216
-Martínez del Rio, C. 1993. Do British tits drink milk or just skim the cream? British Birds 86: 321-322
-Hernandez, A., and C. Martínez del Rio. 1992. Intestinal disaccharidases of five species of phyllostomoid bats with contrasting feeding habits. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 103B: 105-111
-Martínez del Rio, C., H. G. Baker and I. Baker . 1992. Ecological and evolutionary implications of digestive processes: bird preferences and the sugar constituents of floral nectar and fruit pulp. Experientia 48 544-550
-Martínez del Rio C. and S. H. Bullock. 1991. Parasitismo floral por abejas sociales (Trigona spp) en el arbol quiropterófilo Crescentia alata (Bignoniaceae). Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica Mexicana 50: 69-76
Arita, H. T. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1990. Interacciones flor-murciélago: un enfoque zoocéntrico. Publicaciones Especiales 4, Instituto de Biología, UNAM, México
-Gryj, E., C. Martínez del Rio and I. Baker. 1990. Avian pollination and nectar use in Combretum fruticosum Biotropica 22: 266-271
-Martínez del Rio, C. 1990. Sugar preferences in hummingbirds: the influence of subtle chemical differences on food choice. The Condor 92: 1022-1030
-Martínez del Rio, C. 1990. Dietary and phylogenetic correlates of intestinal sucrase and maltase activity in birds. Physiological Zoology 63: 987- 1011
-Martínez del Rio, C. and W. H. Karasov. 1990. Digestion strategies in fruit and nectar eating birds and the sugar composition of plant rewards. The American Naturalist 136: 618-637
-Martínez del Rio, C. W. H. Karasov and D. J. Levey. 1989. Physiological basis and ecological correlates of sugar preferences in a North American frugivore, the Cedar Waxwing. The Auk 106: 64-71
-Bullock, S. H., C. Martínez del Rio and R. Ayala. 1989. Bee visitation to trees of Prockia crucis differing in flower number. Oecologia 78: 389-393
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Martínez del Rio, C. and B. R. Stevens. 1988. Disaccharidases of Alligator (Alligator mississipiensis). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 91B: 751-754
Eguiarte, L. E., C. Martínez del Rio and H. Arita. 1987. El polen y néctar como recursos: el papel ecológico de los visitantes a las flores de Pseudobombax ellipticum H.B.K. Biotropica 19: 74-82
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-Soberón, J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1981. The dynamics of a plant-pollinator interaction. Journal of Theoretical Biology 91: 363-378
Libros y capítulos de Libros:
-Karasov, W. H. and C. Martínez del Rio. 2007. Physiological ecology: How animals process energy, nutrients, and toxins. Book for Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. 724 p.
-Martínez del Rio, C. and B. Wolf. 2005. Mass-balance models for animal isotopic ecology. Pp. 141-174 in Starck,, J. M. and T. Wang. Physiological and ecological adaptations to feeding in vertebrates. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH.
-Martínez del Rio, C., B. O. Wolf, and R. Haughey. 2003. Saguaros and white-winged doves: the natural history of an uneasy partnership. In Nabhan, G. (ed.). Conserving Migratory Pollinators and Nectar Corridors in Western North America. Univ. of California Press.
-Arita, H. T. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1990. Interacciones flor-murciélago: un enfoque zoocéntrico. Publicaciones Especiales 4, Instituto de Biología, UNAM, México.
-Soberón J. and C. Martínez del Rio. 1985. Cheating and taking advantage in mutualistic systems. In Boucher, D. (Ed.). The biology of mutualism. Croom-Helm, London.